Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

thanksgiving, christmas and such

i love making gingerbread houses with the boys.  unfortunately, i'm not martha stewart (or dave's mom: she's a fantastic cook and decorator!) and therefore result to the gingerbread kits! ha.  we have fun every year making one.  this year's focused more on slapping the house together, taking the quick picture with my computer, and then tearing into it.  

the kids were hungry, what can i say?

although, this year's house was bit of a disappointment.  it tasted like trash, cardboard more specifically. dave and i both commented on the lack of taste... really only a hint of cinnamon at the very end.  

thanksgiving: we had a FABULOUS time with my side of the family and a short visit with dave's maternal grandparents.  my sisters were each in town with their growing families (excluding julie's eamon).  i loved seeing my nieces and nephew.  we even exchanged gifts between all the cousins.  the boys received a Wii from my parents, a total blast.  (they are playing it as i'm writing now!)

*** side note:  i was throwing out spelling words to the boys the other day.  aiden was practicing his school words and i was making up easy word for drew.  i asked drew how to spell "we."  

he said, "w...i...i."

uh....  what a brilliant kid i have!!! haha. ****

back to the family.  lisa now has 2 kids: jackson is 2 and ryan, my new niece, is 3 months.
ryan is a content baby and rarely cries unless jackson bites her. :) the boys had fun with jackson, romping around and ...being boys.

heather has micah, another niece, who is 7 months.  it was truly funny to see how micah would react to me.  she would normally become squirmy and reach for heather if other would hold her.  not with her aunt amy!  :) craig commented several times how genetics work in my favor.  that little girl would just look at me and snuggle in.  so sweet. 

i was passing craig and micah several times on sunday morning as i was getting ready for church.  i didn't notice until craig commented how micah would cry for me every time i passed her.  i can't help it... i love it.  i'm living vicariously through my sister until God blesses us with another baby!

as we gear up into the christmas season, we are praying that God continues to be a blessing to you and your family. if you are in the area, join us on Christmas Eve at Calvary Chapel Port St. Lucie. looking forward to celebrating Christ with the church and family.  have a great Christmas!   

1 comment:

Mandy B said...

Its been a while, nice to hear from you again :) Sounds like the holidays are going good for yall. Wish I could come over and hang out right now, too bad I'm leaving England and going ALL the way to Alaska, maybe one day we'll be somewhere near yall. Only 7 weeks left here!!